I don't know what to say, but if another one of my friends makes a snarky comment about my lack of posting, I'm going to lose it. (I'm looking at you, Amanda..) I've been doing a sugar detox this week, so my close propensity to "lose it" might be more due to that, but, whatever. Again (for the 3rd time through this blog), I yam what I yam. (I wonder if I can eat yams while on this detox...hmm..)
I'm approaching date four with a nice guy, which is why I don't know what to say. I don't want to share details with a positive twist, and then change my mind or learn he's changed his. I don't want to share things with a negative twist, because then if this is somewhat sustainable and continues, then that's just awkward.
Do normal people use the word "sustainable" when describing prospective relationships? Probably not. I guess they don't call dating "prospective relationships" either. Whatever.
So, unfortunately for you blog readers, I'm not going to give you any juicy details about this guy. That doesn't seem fair to him at this point. Also, he doesn't know about this blog. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy that will love this, so, I'm going to have to dance carefully over this bridge of troubled water.
However, I can share some details about what I've learned of myself over the past few weeks.
-I like guys that plan. So far, I've been largely irresponsible with planning our conversations and dates. He takes initiative and rocks it.
-I ask a lot of questions. Okay, so I already knew this one. It's the social worker in me. Also, it's the "Hurry, end this awkward silence before he decides you're boring." in me. I've tried to gauge my question asking on these dates and tone it down some, but, man it's hard. It's especially hard when you have big existential deal-breaker questions on your mind, but you're trying to be normal and go with the flow. Gah, normalcy is hard.
-Gray-areas are my kryptonite. Not only is there this huge gaping gray area regarding the status of our dating gig, but, there are gray areas about our thoughts, beliefs, and values. I HATE THIS. I have honestly had to talk myself out of sending an e-mail with a bullet point list of everything I'm wondering about (ie: open to fostering/adopting? open to never owning another pet that isn't a pit bull? believe in Jesus and grace and serving others? has he seen Blackfish and did he cry?). I understand that this would reveal another realm of my crazy, so I haven't done that. Again, normalcy is hard.
-Different can be good. It can also be bad, but, I'm talking about the good kind of different here. It can be scary, and can lead to vague conversations with your friends that swim around the statement, "It's just really different..." I also am recognizing that he and I are different. For example, he randomly asked me if I owned dumbbells and I laughed and said "ppppfttt....yeah.", not realizing he was asking the question seriously. He thought when I said "yeah", that I was being serious. It felt a wee bit awkward when I said "No..I'm kidding...Of course I don't own dumbbells..." Anyway, I think for now different feels refreshing and enlightening. It's been good to branch out from my comfort zone a bit.
PSYCH. I don't have a comfort zone. I'm awkward all of the time.
Moving on.
A note from Holly:
Yup, so Heather's got her a maybe, kinda, sorta fella. I won't comment on him, as this would be unfair given that I've not met him, but I will say that I'm vvvveeeeewwwwwwwyyyyyy interested in how this all pans out. And should we wind up meeting in person, brace yourself sir. If you thought Heather's incessant questions were bad, I'm about to blow your mind.
I totally sympathize with Heth on struggle to fight your natural instincts so that you can wind up appearing approachable, unintimidating, and kind.
Of course, ,there is a time and a place where you should go with those instincts. Just follow where they lead. For example, this is where they led me today in the grocery sure when I was approached by mid-20's wanna-be soccer player:
Juan Pablo: "Excuse me, are you single?"
Holly: "I am not."
Juan Pablo: "Oh, okay. Do you know where the olive oil is?"
Holly: "I do not."
*exits Juan Pablo*
Yeah, feeling good about my instincts there.
Just as an additional update, I haven't mustered up the interest to sign up for Christian Mingle (this is my decided next step). I feel like it requires so much effort and frankly, I'm all out of it.
Anyway, I consulted Heather and several co-workers (shoutout to Mike and Eva!) about exactly what I should say to him. Upon suggesting "Hi. :)" Mike commented that it seemed suggestive - that I was giving away the fact that I was interested. Yeah, Mike. That's how dating sites work. :)
Anyway, I bit the bullet and sent the suggestion. He saw the message. He has yet to reply. And that's that.
In other news, here's my most recent batch of favorite Hinges!
(mental note: add "human" to my list of dating requirements)
Alright guys, call off the man hunt. We've found him.
You remind me of favorite ADHD mermaid.
At least he cites Diffusion of Innovation Theory?
...and the players gonna play, play, play, play.
But seriously, so cool that you also abide by my life motto:
"Always be yourself. Unless you can be unicorn. Then you should be a unicorn."
But seriously, so cool that you also abide by my life motto:
"Always be yourself. Unless you can be unicorn. Then you should be a unicorn."
Me too, Clyde. Me too.
I feel like if you have to tell me that you do, then maybe you really don't?
You know, this is a really great question, Doug!
We started off so strongly, Morgan...and now you seem like 14 year-old punk.
I appreciate your honesty, Stan.
Thanks, Stevel. (Yes, STEVEL) Could you maybe go talk to Jon?
He even downloaded and listened to Boston's namesake (Boston by Augustana)! Oh, the potential Christopher D!
Hugs and Frogs,
Heather and Holly