Given that I have this little blog with my sister, I decided to continue my Bumbling adventures while abroad (Happn didn't seem to be a thing over there) and it was quite the interesting experience. First of all, I've decided that I can identify a European man and an American man from the very first picture. You may be thinking this is impossible but Amanda can vouch for me! She also possesses this superpower. I'm not sure how we use this to join the Avengers but I'm going to work on it.
Aside from some RIDICULOUSLY attractive men, another tell-tale indicator was the type of tagline or "about me" info section they provided. Whereas American men discuss their favorite sports team, or sometimes provide a series of cities in which they've lived or even just a line of emojis to express their interests, the European men seemed to be MUCH more upfront. Like, CRYSTAL CLEAR. They had no problem writing out that they were only interesting in smoking weed 4-5 times a week, and in going out every night. If that was different than your life-style, they encouraged you to swipe left. Similarly, some gentlemen were open about just coming out of a serious relationship and that they were not looking for something serious, although they did expect you to have your life together and not be a crazy party girl....
These were just abbreviated version of some of the taglines I saw but my gosh! I appreciated them! Truly! Do you know how much easier my life is when you tell me exactly what you're looking for? Because here's the deal folks, I know what I'm looking for so I'm ready to swipe left or right if you'll give me that information. The problem with 95% of the dating profiles I see is that I am not given that information. I am then forced to over-analyze every single picture he's posted until I feel like I've been given an "accurate" picture of who he really must me help you. What are you looking for?

Alright, my last little update from dipping my toe in the European dating pond is definitely my favorite. In short, I matched with a boy...let's call him Wings, and he was straight-up delightful. Truly, he provided excellent travel advice and is originally from Kansas. He is now living in Germany (near my friend Amanda). We chatted for several days and as you can see by the image, I felt compelled to give him Amanda's contact know, so they can be friends from America that now live in Germany...he then countered my offer by telling me to look up his friend, let's call him Fawkes, who lives in D.C.
Wings did follow up on reaching out to Amanda and I did follow up on reaching out to Fawkes. In fact, as of a few hours ago, I have officially invited Fawkes to the Fourth of July party my roomie and I are hosting...I'll keep you posted on that. ;)

Heather here, friends. While I wasn't recently gallivanting around Europe like my sister, I did make a trip to Mexico. Like Holly, I decided a little excursion through Bumble/Hinge would be interesting in another country.
Was it interesting? Meh.
With the exception of the anecdote that I'll share in a second, it wasn't interesting. It was the same neanderthal dudes I would find in Missouri...except tanner and posing in more beach pics.....95% of them were also vacationing from the U.S., so this isn't a testament to the dating world in Mexico. It's more of a testament to the migratory habits of idiots from the U.S.
While poolside one day, my friends and I noted a couple that were ridiculously attractive. of those power couples that just oozes coolness. The kind of couple that poses in pictures and then their photos go viral online with a meme saying "I want a love like this" or something else dumb. After one of my friends said "Uh..they're both REALLY good looking..", we overheard another group talking about them in the same context.

Then, while my friend and I were jokingly scrolling through Bumble together the next day, we came across Ted, who we realized comprised 1/2 of the aforementioned power couple.
So, you can't see his face here...but..Ted's a looker.
Ted's a looker that was on vacation with his (presumed) wife at our resort.
So, I'm obviously making assumptions about that.
Maybe they just have a very open and very casual relationship. Dunno. I tried to tell myself that they were brother and sister, but after watching another day of interactions between the two of them, I definitely hope that wasn't the case.
Hugs and frogs,
Holly & Heather